O’TOM Tick Twister 2 Count ClipBox
O'Tom Tick Removal tool. The Set of 2 Includes a small and large Tick Remover. Safe, Fast, Easy and Method to Remove Ticks from You and Your Pets. (dog, cat, horse, etc.) Ideal for hunting, hiking, fishing, camping, and all outdoor sports.
The O'TOM Tick Twister hooks for removing ticks are now available with storage boxes: the ClipBox! With its modern and functional design, the ClipBox O'TOM Tick Twister will accompany you everywhere! Available in 5 vibrant colors and composed of two housings, one for each size, the ClipBox will allow you to store your hooks safely, and not lose them.
Its format is ideal for slipping the hooks into a pocket and having them always at hand. With its locking system, inspired by a Carabiner, you can also hang it on a key ring, a backpack, or a belt. And if you do not know how to remove a tick with the hooks, you will find the instructions engraved on the back of the ClipBox!
Why use the O'TOM TICK TWISTER to remove ticks?
- It removes ticks of any size
- It removes ticks from animals and people
- Safe, quick, easy, and tick removal method
- It enables a quick and painless tick removal
- Eliminates ticks without compressing the body which reduces the risk of infection.
- It doesn’t leave the tick’s rostrum in the skin
- It doesn’t squeeze the tick’s abdomen
- Eliminates ticks without leaving oral barbed skin
- Includes tool for small ticks and tool for large ticks
- Remove ticks with no pain
- It doesn’t need any chemical products (alcohol, ether,...)
- It is unbreakable, hard-wearing and indefinitely reusable
- Made in France.
- Kit Contains 2 sizes (Small & Large)
- Colors: Assorted
- Clip Carabiner Attachment
- Usages: Camp, Hiking, Walking, Pets & Humans
What is a tick?

- Ticks are external parasites that feed on blood sucked from humans or animals.
- Ticks generally live in wooded or forested areas, grass, bushes, undergrowth, meadows and clearings, but can also be found anywhere there is grass (along wildlife paths, lawns, parks…).
- Ticks do not jump or fly but crawl slowly.
- They drop from blades of grass or twigs onto a host.
- Ticks require blood to survive and reproduce.
- Ticks embed themselves in their host in areas where the skin is thin (the back of the knee, the armpit, the groin) by inserting their rostrums in the skin.
- They secrete substances through their saliva glands, which allow them to anchor themselves solidly in order to suck blood.
Ticks on dogs and cats
You may find ticks anywhere on your dog or your cat even if you medicated your pet with a chemical product.
Ticks are most often found around the head. Indeed, dogs and cats first touch vegetation with their heads.
Ticks attached to dogs and cats are usually big because we find them late due to the animal’s hair or fur. The large O'TOM / TICK TWISTER® hook is therefore the most appropriate.
Nevertheless, for hard-to-reach areas (ears for example) or for long-haired pets, the small O'TOM / TICK TWISTER® hook may be better.
Diseases carried by ticks
Ticks may transmit many diseases to humans or animals.
Not all ticks are dangerous but they often carry pathogens (in their salivary glands or their digestive tracts).
Diseases transmitted by tick bites can cause serious illness and even death if not detected and treated immediately.
Early diagnosis is very important, if symptoms such as red spots, fever or tiredness occur; consult your doctor or your veterinarian surgeon as soon as possible.
Diseases transmitted by ticks to dogs and cats
Dogs: the main tick-borne disease that affects dogs is babesiosis ; ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease are less common.
The symptoms of babesiosis are: prostration, fever, dark urine (coffee-coloured). Without treatment, fast progression to death (2 to 3 days) can occur.
For the treatment of babesiosis, consult your veterinarian surgeon as soon as possible.
Cats: the only tick-born disease that affects cats is haemobartonellosis ; it is not very common.